30 Day Unconditional Refund Guarantee for Unopened & Unused Items

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, or for whatever reason, You no longer want this product within 30 days after receiving it, you may contact us for a return and refund. Kindly note that in such cases the return shipping fee is the customer's responsibility and is non-refundable. Items MUST be returned in their original packaging, unused and unopened in order to qualify for a product refund.

Note that the returns shipping fee is non-refundable and products must be returned unopened and unused for a refund.

If the boxes has been opened, the buyer needs to send a picture and confirm with the seller. Only when the confirmation does not affect the normal use can the return be supported, and the buyer needs to afford a certain amount of goods loss charge (20%).

Please ensure to return the item with its original packaging and accessories in the same condition as when you received it.

Order Cancellation Policy:

Your order can be canceled within 12 hours of the time it is placed. To cancel, please contact NewEraB2B customer service via email customerservice@newerab2b.com. The full refund for your order will arrive in your account 3-5 business days after receiving cancellation confirmation. If you wish to cancel an order, but it has been longer than 12 hours since it was placed, we can check with our warehouse. If the package is still in our warehouse and has not shipped, we will refund you in full. If your package is already in transit before delivery, we are still able to cancel the order, but you will be charged 15% of the order value to cover our shipping expenses and restocking fee.

Refund and Compensation Process

PayPal refunds may take up to 24 hours to process and appear in your account.

Credit card refunds will take between 7-14 business days to appear in your account. This delay depends entirely on your credit card company and any intermediaries.